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28 August 2023– Cotabato City. The Philippine Statistics Authority-Regional Statistical Services Office in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (PSA-RSSO BARMM) has successfully conducted its Second Level Training on the use of CAPI on Quarterly Fisheries Surveys and inclusion of Data Items on Income and wages in QCFS & QMFS held last 26 to 28 September 2023 at the Lakandula Hall, 3rd Floor RSSO BARMM, Cotabato city. 

The three-day training was spearheaded by the OIC Regional Director Engr. Akan G. Tula, and its Chief SOCD Edward Donald F. Eloja. It was further facilitated by Ms. Sittie Hapsa D. Maganaka, Assistant Statistician of RSSO as the Regional Focal Person, and Ms. Sohria L. Macud, Statistical Analyst of PSA Lanao del Sur. Participants include Ms. Marilou A. Gorospe, Statistical Specialist II, fisheries surveys’ focal personnel from the five Provincial Statistical Offices, and RSSO support staff.

 The said training on the use of the CAPI System aims to make the said survey more efficient and helps assure higher quality data through the consistency checks, validation, and skipping patterns during interviews, and the additional data items intended to capture the net income and wage rate per day during the fishing trip of the fishermen.

Moreover, the QCFS and QMFS are conducted quarterly with weekly data collection in sample landing centers that have more coverage in the data inclusion of Income and wages of Fisher folks than the monthly conduct of the Labor Force Survey (LFS). The derived data on income and wage may be used for counter-checking the LFS or Family Income and Expenditure Survey results.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Edward Donald F. Eloja, Chief of the Statistical Operations and Coordination Division (SOCD), conveyed in his message that implementation of the CAPI platform for statistical operations is in relation to the direction of the government of the day to maximize the use of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) towards digitalization of government operations.

Furthermore, the PSA BARMM ensures that all personnel involved in the conduct of the survey strictly adhere to the Field Operation Guidelines and health protocol. The Office guarantees that all information acquired from the survey respondents will be handled with the utmost confidentiality in accordance with Section 26 of RA 10625.



OIC-Regional Director

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