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Release Date :


The PSA upholds and recognizes the value of diversity, equity, and inclusivity in its recruitment, selection, and promotion process and hereby adheres to the equal employment opportunity principle. There shall be no discrimination in the selection of employees on account of age, sex (sexual orientation or gender identity), civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity, or political affiliation.

Posting/Filing Period:25 March 2024 to 04 April 2024
Where to File Applications:

Applications are online:

Please check our website at

Please register your PSA Applicant Portal Account at

For inquiries:Telephone no. (02) 83748260   
Email the Secretariat at

Applicants are required to submit the following:

1. Scanned copy of signed APPLICATION LETTER stating the specific position title with salary grade (SG) level and specific place of assignment as posted. An applicant may apply for a maximum of two (2) positions in the same posting period; The application letter must be addressed to:

Claire Dennis S. Mapa, PhD           
National Statistician and Civil Registrar General

2. Scanned copy of duly accomplished PERSONAL DATA SHEET (PDS) with recent ID picture taken within three (3) months prior to submission of application (CSC Form No. 212, Revised  2017), wet signed, and duly subscribed and sworn to before an authorized administering officer not later than the posting/filing period (refer to Guide to Filling Out the Personal Data Sheet or CSC MC No. 16, s. 2017);

3. Scanned copy of signed WORK EXPERIENCE SHEET (CSC Form No. 212 – as Attachment to PDS);

4. Scanned copy of PROOF OF ELIGIBILITY (CSC, RA 1080, PD 907, etc.);

5. Scanned copy of TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS (not applicable to PSA permanent employees unless with changes in educational attainment);

6. Scanned copy of CERTIFICATE/S OF TRAINING relevant to the position applied for (if applicable);

7. Scanned copy of certified true copy of completely signed INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE COMMITMENT REVIEW (IPCR) or its equivalent for the last rating period (for applicants with work experience); and


Additional instructions for strict compliance:

1. PSA respects the Next-in-Rank principle in the Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (ORAOHRA) subject to qualification standards and requirements of the position. However, failure to submit the application and/or PSA Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (PSA – HRMPSB) Form 2 (Waiver as Next-in-Rank Form) by any PSA employee considered as next-in-rank is automatically a waiver of his/her privilege;

2. The PSA reserves the right to suspend or terminate the hiring process for whatever reason, or exclude/disqualify applicant/s for failure to comply any of the foregoing requirements and instructions without incurring liabilities against them, particularly on the proper filling out PDS as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 16, s. 2017;

3. Applicants must present the original copy of the documents/attachments to the Secretariat before the interview as necessary. In case the interview is online or via video conference platform and it is difficult for the candidate to appear before the Secretariat, the presentation of original documents for verification of authenticities is subject to instruction of the Secretariat appropriate for the situation. Inability to present any of these documents will lead to automatic disqualification;

4. Application and documents submitted after the deadline, 04 April 2024, will not be considered;

5. Any inaccurate information that affects the qualification of the applicant to the position he/she is applying for, i.e., accomplishment of Part III (Educational Background), Part IV (Civil Service Eligibility), Part V (Work Experience), and Part VII (Learning and Development (L&D) Interventions/Training Programs Attended), and absence of other substantial entries such as signature of the applicant on each page and signature of the authorized person to administer the oath on page 4, which are not compliant with the said CSC MCs shall be grounds for exclusion from the recruitment process. Incomplete attachments and/or incomplete information or signature within a particular attachment will not be considered; and

6. Interviews of pre-qualified applicants will be conducted on such schedule as agreed upon by the members of National/Central Office/Regional Office Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (N/CO/RO HRMPSB).

The PSA Human Resource Merit Selection Board may conduct online interview or may change the venue of the interview subject to one (1) day prior notice to the concerned applicants via email or through a phone call.




CLAIRE DENNIS S. MAPA, PhD                   
National Statistician and Civil Registrar General



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The PSA upholds and recognizes the value of diversity, equity, and inclusivity in its recruitment, selection, and promotion process and hereby adheres to the equal employment opportunity principle.…

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The PSA upholds and recognizes the value of diversity, equity, and inclusivity in its recruitment, selection, and promotion process and hereby adheres to the equal employment opportunity principle.…

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The PSA upholds and recognizes the value of diversity, equity, and inclusivity in its recruitment, selection, and promotion process and hereby adheres to the equal employment opportunity principle.…