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Turnover Ceremony of the New Leadership in the Statistical Operations and Coordination division (SOCD) under RSSO-BARMM

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2023-02

10 January 2023 – Cotabato City. The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) conducted the Turnover Ceremony in its change of leadership in the Statistical Office and Coordination Division (SOCD) of the Regional Statistical Service Office (RSSO) of the region held last 09 January 2023 at the RSSO Conference Room, PSA BARMM, Cotabato City.

Noronisa D. Macadadaya, Ph.D., Chief Statistical Specialist (CSS), Officer-In-Charge of Civil Registration and Administrative Support Division (CRASD), delivered her congratulatory and welcome message to the outgoing and incoming SOCD Chiefs, but she pointed out that the former Chief SOCD will only be reassigned to a different outpost, but not completely leaving BARMM.

To grace the activity, Officer-in-Charge Regional Director (OIC-RD) Engr. Akan G. Tula gave a message of support and a brief overview of the installment of the new head of SOCD, Mr. Edward Donald F. Eloja, in adherence to the Special Order No. 2022-12-NS-105.

Further, OIC-RD Tula stressed in his message that "the turnover ceremony is not an experiment; if anything, PSA BARMM is pro-active and strives hard to be heard among other regions in the country." He further explained that change is inevitable, so expect a lot of changes in the future. OIC-RD Tula ended his message by stating that "there’s no such thing as constant; the only constant is change."

Meanwhile, Mr. Mahmur H. Sarail, the outgoing chief of SOCD, welcomed the incoming SOCD chief and noted that Mr. Eloja is truly a prize catch. He further conveyed in his message, in quote, "staying for 7 years as chief SOCD is a matter of destiny, but leaving the position is a matter of choice." He further stressed the importance of the three H, namely: head, heart, and hands, and elaborated further on how he feels like he can deliver and give his best as the PSO in Basilan. Nonetheless, he felt grateful for the set of skills, experiences, and leadership styles he has acquired
and how he could make use of that knowledge in his new assignments.

Mr. Eloja, the newly installed OIC Chief SOCD, conveyed in his message his heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity and for entrusting him with the position. He then promised to give his absolute best. At the near end of his message, Mr. Eloja elaborated on the Parable of the Pencil and reflected on the five most important things a civil servant should possess. First, you will be able to do many great things only when you allow yourself to be held by someone else. Second, you will experience a lot of sharpening from time to time, but it will lead you to become a better pencil. Third, you will be able to correct mistakes in life. Fourth, the most important part of you will always be what’s inside of you. Fifth, make a mark on whatever surface you're using. At the end of his message, Mr. Eloja reflected on those qualities in himself and said that he’s now ready to use his knowledge and wisdom for the benefit of the region.

Regional Director Atty. Maqtahar L. Manulon of the Regional Statistical Services Office XII (RSSO XII) also graced the turnover program to accompany and witness the installation of the new leadership and convey his appreciation for the diverse culture of the BARMM region, which makes it more unique. However, insinuated about the idea of putting a sub-region to work for better and more efficient service implementation.

Finally, Ms. Estrella R. Padilla, Supervisory Statistical Specialist of the RSSO- BARMM, closed the symbolic turnover, and congratulated both officials on their new journey. She noted that, SOCD is in good hands and that we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. She further stressed the popular cliché "patience is a virtue" and that it pays to be patient. In her final message, Ms. Padilla urged PSA BARMM to fly high. It’s time to shine and radiate more brightness.


OIC-Regional Director